martes, 2 de abril de 2013


The government published a report yesterday saying that we need to eat more healthily - more fruits and vegetables, less fat and sugar. So that means fewer burgers, chips and fried food as well as cutting down on sweet things. We went into central London yesterday at lunchtime and asked people what they thought about it. "It's got nothing to do with the government what I eat," says Paul Keel, a building worker, as he eats a beefburger and chips washed down with strawberry milkshake. "I think I have a healthy diet. You see, I don't normally eat a beefburger for lunch. Normally I just have chips." Any fish? "I like cod. But I've only ever had it once." Tim Kennor, a librarian, welcomes the government advice. But he also has his own rules. "I think," he explains, eating his fried chicken and chips, "it's important to eat a variety of food." We then asked Dorothy Matthews, aged 74. "I don't think it's the government's business to tell us what to eat." We went into Simpson's Restaurant and asked the manager if people changed what they were eating. "I don't think people believe all these reports anymore. What they say is good for you in June, they say is bad for you in July. People have stopped taking notice. We serve what we've always served. Almost all of it is fattening."


What is the writer trying to explain in the text?
what people think
his own opinion
the government report
the popularity of certain foods

What can the reader learn from the text?
 what the government is going to do
 which meals are the healthiest
 whether the advice will be followed
 what kind of people like beefburgers

What is Paul Klee's opinion?

 The government advice is wrong.
 Fish isn't good for you.
  He doesn't need to change his habits.
 He eats too many beefburgers.

What does the manager think of the report?
 People don't understand the advice given.
 People think they will soon be given different advice.
 People don't bother to read these reports.
 People are more concerned about losing weight.

Which of the following is part of the government report?

 The population of this country should eat less.
 Bad health in this country is caused by people eating the wrong kinds of food.
 People should take the time to prepare their own food at home instead of eating in restaurants.
 Working people should make sure they have a good hot meal in the middle of the day.

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